Giclee Prints

We specialize in Giclee prints. This artwork has been reproduced from the original using modern fine art printing and archival methods, equipment and material to produce what is commonly known as a Giclee print.  Giclee prints are produced on large-format inkjet printers utilizing up to 12 different pigmented inks to produce a large color gamut. Giclee prints can be printed on a wide variety of substrates including fine art paper, photo paper, watercolor paper, cotton canvas and are designed to last 100-200 years.

Giclee Prints vs Lithographs

Giclee is a high quality image made on accurate inkjet printers, while a Lithograph is a print made using the process where an artist creates an image from a stone plate. Giclee is considered more valuable due to the high-quality resolution inkjet printers used to make the art. They are more durable as compared to lithographs. A Giclee can last for two centuries without any visible sign of fading. Giclee printing holds the color for a more extended period than other prints. These prints can last up to more than 200 hundred years without any traceable sign of fading. Giclee is a suitable form of printing for museum portraits that are designed to last for a long period.